next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
exhibition currently under construction

40 years of the Centre d'art contemporain / Passages

FROM 01.07.2022 TILL 15.07.2022
WITH: Roger Balboni, Clothilde Evide, Pierre Jaingueneau , Ibraheem Ramadan, Charlotte Sauvat, SuperChevreuil

Le Centre d’art contemporain / Passages has been in existence for 40 years, thanks to its founding members: Dominique Letscher, Guy Mansuy, Françoise Balboni-Gibert, Roger Balboni, and Martine Rog.

On the occasion of this anniversary, Passages organized several events and open meetings in July 2022.


July 1st: Inauguration. The month-long activities were unveiled during a vernissage, accompanied by a concert by the flute trio “Syrinx” in partnership with “Troyes enscène,” an initiative of the Maison du Boulanger.

July 5th: Visual storytelling workshop with Ibraheem Ramadan. Visual storytelling is present in everything around us, from buildings and vehicles to windows, and even in some films and comics. In this workshop, participants played with the possibilities of reassembling these visual elements that sometimes lose their narratives. The workshop was led by Ibraheem Ramadan, a visual artist, aiming to explore new narratives for these everyday objects.

July 5th: Conference by Roger Balboni. One of the founders of the Passages association presented the history of its creation.

July 7th & 8th: Stop-motion workshop with Clothilde Evide. The workshops took place during Clothilde Evide’s residency at the Centre d’art contemporain / Passages over two afternoons. With the children’s participation, the artist aimed to create an animated fanfare using stop-motion. Each child created their own character, which would then become part of a collective artwork.

July 12th & 13th: The Face of Color with Charlotte Sauvat. Participants learned to create a range of colors with a focus on flat color application. The workshop explored the territory of colors through form, raising awareness of the role of color in space and their relationships with one another. Participants then created a mask after selecting three colors and three forms from the previous workshops.

July 12th: Jazz concert with three musicians from the SuperChevReuil group.

July 15th: 40th Anniversary of the Centre d’art contemporain / Passages. To celebrate the official 40th anniversary of the center and the association, a meal was organized with Pierre Jaingueneau, a culinary designer and a cherished figure for the special day.

See all previous exhibitions and residencies