next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
exhibition currently under construction

Meublopages et autres dérivations 

FROM 23.05.2007 TILL 25.07.2007
WITH: Christopher Varady-Szabo

Christopher Varady-Szabo is a Canadian artist living in Gaspésie, Québec. Exploring concepts of inhabitation and architectural systems, he creates ephemeral installations that aim to reveal the relationship between being and environment. His sculptures are inspired by primitive structures, and to design them, he borrows and adapts authentic traditional construction methods.
This new body of work finds its meaning through links between forms produced by these traditional primitive construction techniques and objects from domestic life. In a context revealing a parasitic and territorial cohabitation, the resulting fusions and inlays will give rise to a body of hybrid works and installations, taking on the appearance of a fabulous new living species…

Exhibition file (French version) : click here



Ouverture de l’exposition au public du 23 mai au 25 juillet 2007.

See all previous exhibitions and residencies