next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
exhibition currently under construction


FROM 28.10.2022 TILL 16.12.2022
WITH: Nicolas Momein

First presented at the Villa du Parc and then at the Biennale d’art contemporain in Lyon three years ago, the artist reactivates the Bouilleur de Savon project in a new form at Passages. For Troyes, the idea is to start recycling the three-tonne puddle to produce a series of sculptures and an artist’s soap edition. This participatory project invites 28 artists and associations to provide illustrations for the production of stamps. We find : Anita Molinero, Antoine Grulier, Antwan Horfee, Bruno Peinado, Cecile Pancafe, Ceel Mogami de Haas, cONcErn, Daniel Otero Torres, Fabienne Radi, Florent Meng, François Durif, Gaëlle Choisne, Haydée Marin Lopez & Camille Besson, John Fou, Jules Dumoulin, Le Centre d’art contemporain / Passages, Lyla Marson, Mario Picardo, Mathieu Mercier, Nina Childress, Pablo Tomek, Pauline d’Andigné, Renaud Loda, Romain Sarrot, Samy San, SKKI©, Thomas Koening et Alice Guittard, la Villa du Parc avec un design d’Ismaël Abdallah et Constance Jacob.


In the main hall, floor sculptures and paintings confront each other within the exhibition space. The particularity of this proposal lies in the invisible: everything is suggested, the sculptural materiality of the paintings reveals the extraction that the paint has undergone, which crosses the burlap canvas and takes on relief through this weft.

The process is similar to that of soap: initially fluctuating, composed of soda and oil, the machine known as an extruder reshapes it. In this way, the materials emerge to form a new shape.

Machinery and gesture give form to formlessness. The porous nature of Nicolas Momein’s mediums and techniques allows him, paradoxically, to treat painting as sculpture through an industrial process.

See all previous exhibitions and residencies