open from wed to sun from 12 a.m. to 6 p.m.
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
open from wed to sun from 12 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Current exhibition
L'amour en cage
Current exhibition

Sophie Hasslauer

FROM 02.10.2015 TILL 04.12.2015
WITH: Sophie Hasslauer

“You have to see it to believe it”. Well no, with Sophie Hasslauer, you have to look at it to know that you shouldn’t believe it… well no, you have to look at it to know that you shouldn’t believe it, but in fact you have to believe it. Limits are a matter of education, we know. And in art too. Doesn’t reality appear when there’s nothing left to see? Isn’t this what Sophie Hasslauer’s practice is all about?
So why does she give so much to see? It’s a pretext! Yes, a smokescreen, a deception, a form, a color, a thickness, a weight, a reality in place, but one that speaks only of that which cannot be palpated, gives thickness to the air, shows the invisible, tells things, criticizes, grumbles or sleeps. Sophie Hasslauer is a painter. She shows objects, but what really interests her is painting, another oddity. “No”, she says, “it’s not odd, it’s in the process, I’m looking for what in the elaboration and presentation of the object is painting”.

Text by Estelle Delorme

Exhibition file: click here


Exhibition open to the public from October 02 to December 04, 2015.

See all previous exhibitions and residencies