next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
WED — SUN     12PM — 6PM
next opening February 28 from 6 p.m.
exhibition currently under construction

Global artistic projects 2023-2024

FROM 12.04.2024 TILL 19.04.2024
WITH: Corentin Canesson et Apolline Pliez

Passages presents the work of students :

– from Lycée Les Lombards in CAP Métiers du Plâtre et de l’Isolation with Camille Saccoccini and CAP Peintre Applicateur de Revêtements with Maria-Elena Palamenga
– Auxon kindergarten classes with Myriam Notteau and Dorothée Bron
– 3rd graders from collège Pierre Brossolette in La Chapelle Saint Luc with Olivier Guillaume

They were accompanied for several weeks by artists Apolline Pliez and Corentin Canesson.

The inter-school PAG (Projet Artistique Globalisé) is a global scheme that brings together classes from different schools around a partner cultural structure. It is built around a unifying theme that is adapted to the level of each class. It enables students, particularly those who are farthest from the cultural scene, to discover works of art or fields they are not accustomed to.

Artists’ Instagram page : @corentincanesson @apollinepliez




In the presence of students, teachers and artists

> Friday April 12 from 6:30 pm

Exhibition on view

> April 13, 17, 18 and 19

> from 12:00 to 18:00

> free access

In partnership with

See all previous exhibitions and residencies