Théo Robine-Langlois’ practice explores language through a variety of media, including screen, book, radio, internet, reading and exhibition. His writing has been drifting since the ’91s. His texts play with genres, registers and dysfunctions, in an attempt to loosen the grip of various fictions experienced in everyday life, aided in this quest by literal collisions between images and words, and by a love of objects, plants and clouds He writes for and He published […] chez Nous in 2016, Le Gabion chez After 8 Books in 2021, présomption de salariat aux presses séparées de Marseille in 2022 and Le Plaisir d’un casse retardé par les plantes maintenant or En toute occasion passe comme un coup de vent chez Dépense Défensive in 2023, Journal Municipal aux éditions les petits matins (in 2024). With radio *DUUU he has produced an audio book, which is always a beautiful cloud at its worst, boring.
Journal municipal traverses M’s various emotional states in the city of B, from the ring road to the A86. The book describes a succession of daily rituals that blend charm and boredom, desire and sabotage, dismay and mischief.